ash borer beetle

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Illinois Department of Natural Resouces says:

Fact: The EAB has already distroyed 20 million trees in the 5 midwest states at a removal cost of $10 billion (on the low side) and another $10 billion to replace.

Fact: It has been estimated that there are 110 million ash trees in Illinois.

Fact: The 110 million ash trees in Illinos provide enough oxygen for 11 million people.

Fact: The cost to Illinois communities can range from $8,000 for the smallest to $1.2 billion for Chicago.

Fact: The cost to a homeowner for each infested ash tree would be $1,000 for removal and another $1,000 for replacement and carting off the infested wood. The state could require that you remove all ash trees on your property whether infected or not.

For more bad news..


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