ash borer beetle

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ash Borer Beetle

Can we save our ash trees from the ash borer beetle? Can we prevent the ash borer beetle from invading our neighborhoods? If an ash tree is infected, is cutting it down the only alternative? Tough questions! Our government says all ash trees within 1/2 mile of an infected ash tree must be cut down whether the tree is healthy or not. An entomologist told me "there is nothing we can do, we will just have to cut down the ash trees and then rebuild our forests". At what cost? How about making our ash trees healthier. Stressed trees are easy targets for the ash borer. There is a technology that energizes the trees so that the beetle does not recognize the ash tree as a home or food source. And there is a product made up of beneficial microbes that breakdown the nutrients in the soil so that they can be absorbed into the root system of the ash tree making the ash tree healthier. Email


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