ash borer beetle

Friday, November 24, 2006

Installing a field tuner in your town is a no lose proposition. The field tuner will energize the soil and will energize your trees and plants. Your plants and trees will be healthier and look better than ever before. Injecting biogenesis into the root structure of your ash trees will break down the nutrients in the soil so they can be absorbed more easily by the ash tree. The goal is healthy trees, if the ash borer beetle does not recognize a healthy ash tree as a home or food source it will go elsewhere. How much does this cost? The field tuner can be as little as $6500 for an area less than 4000 acres or $25,000 per 36 square miles. Biogenesis injections per ash tree could be $16-$32 the first year for residents. Illinois received $7.6 million from the USDA. The USDA has spent over $100 million. Where has all the money gone?

The field tuner is not for a private home. Most towns north of Chicago have thousands of ash trees at risk. How many ash trees are in the Chicago Forest Preserves, Morton Arb, Botanic Gardens, your favorite golf course or country club? Are there any guarantees, no? The alternative is cutting down all the ash trees within 1/2 mile of an infected ash tree. I see that as a problem, not a solution.

Rick Day

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Illinois has been quarrantined and no one cares and most people don't know. When spring comes and the emerald ash borer beetle come out of hiding, there will be a panic. The arborists will be licking their chops, so many trees to cut down, so little time. Maybe, just maybe there is a technology that might confuse the ash borer beetle and it will not visit your house, your neighborhood, your golf course, your forest preserve etc. But no one is listening, until a beetle crawls out of your ash tree, then it might be too late. Sometimes it takes a unique solution to solve a unique problem.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

There is only one guarantee I can offer. If we do nothing to try to thwart the emerald ash borer beetle it will continue to infest our ash trees until there are none left. The cost to the State of Illinois will be billions of dollars. The cost to Illinois home owners will be billions of dollars. The cost to golf courses will be billions of dollars. Then the EAB will continue north to Wisconsin, west to Iowa, south to Missouri and Kentucky.

Our government tells us the only action we can take is quarantine an area of infestation and cut down all the ash trees within ½ mile. We are allowing a beetle smaller than a dime to beat us. I propose to try something new and I am ignored. This technology has been used against other insects and beetles in the pacific northwest SUCCESSFULLY. If the technology does not work on ash trees only a few dollars will be lost, but if the emerald ash borer beetle cannot find food and lodging it will die and we will save millions of ash trees. The USDA and the IDA have blinders on, they can only find reasons not to listen.

The private sector will lose the most. In the end “we the people” will foot the bill.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Illinois Department of Natural Resouces says:

Fact: The EAB has already distroyed 20 million trees in the 5 midwest states at a removal cost of $10 billion (on the low side) and another $10 billion to replace.

Fact: It has been estimated that there are 110 million ash trees in Illinois.

Fact: The 110 million ash trees in Illinos provide enough oxygen for 11 million people.

Fact: The cost to Illinois communities can range from $8,000 for the smallest to $1.2 billion for Chicago.

Fact: The cost to a homeowner for each infested ash tree would be $1,000 for removal and another $1,000 for replacement and carting off the infested wood. The state could require that you remove all ash trees on your property whether infected or not.

For more bad news..